Favorites :)

Hi y’all!

Just wanted to share a few of the things I am currently LOVING!!!

Hope you can relate or maybe discover some of your own favorites ๐Ÿ™‚

I have been obsessed with peplum, and have happily been stocking my wardrobe with peplum pieces- skirts, dresses and shirts. Yay peplum!!


I have been drinking coffee more than ever now that it’s fall and cold in Seattle! My go to shop is Starbucks of course. They have a cool program called the reward stars where you actually get stuff like free refills on your drinks after buying 10 coffees and ect. Check it out:)


Another favorite of mine that I (sadly) don’t have but drool over is the Cรจline handbag. Ah it’s so classy and gorgeous! I need to go out and finally get one ๐Ÿ™‚


Oh my! One of the main reasons I love Fall is getting to wear warm and chunky sweaters!! I am so obsessed with them, it’s not even funny. ๐Ÿ™‚ Okay maybe a little!


My all time favorite look that I have been rocking on my nails is glitter. I just adore how it looks!!


Color blocking is another one of those things that I just love! I think it looks so good and makes your outfit unique ๐Ÿ™‚


I’m all about watches and arm candy this season!!


Last but not least, a healthy lifestyle is a huge favorite. Ever since a family member has started going through health issues a year back, I completely changed my lifestyle and made it more healthier.

Well these are my favorites. What do you like?

Love and kisses,

Miss M

Mini haul!

I just got back from a quick run to the mall, and I just want to share my little haul:)

Most people who knnow me know that I am completely obsessed and a fanatic for Bath and Body Works and especially their candles.

I can’t help it. I have a stash of like 20 of them and I still want more! They just smell so good. One sniff and I gotta have it!

As most of you know, they’re having their big annual sale so candles are $10, or even less if you are lucky. I picked up these 4 suckers. I have almost every candle in this years tropical collection.

Smells like pineapples and pina coladas. Reminds me of Hawaii (not that I’ve ever been there).


Smells more sweet and coconuty. Very yummy:)


This smells sooooo good! I would drink this if I could! So lemonadey and yummy!!!!!!!!!!


I read that this is their top rated candle scent. Not sure why its called salsa, cuz it has no resemblence to salse smells. It smells like mangos and sweetness! I can see why this is their top rated scent! ๐Ÿ™‚


Then I headed over to Nordstroms and got myself some colorful flats.

Love the toe tip color blocking thats going on:)

Cute pair of ruby red flats.

I love the mall.

I need to stop shopping.

I need to ย start saving.

Who am I kidding!

Love and kisses,

Miss M